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How to integrate Cuboh with Grubhub
How to integrate Cuboh with Grubhub

Additional information on how to integrate Grubhub with your Cuboh Dashboard.

Mirella Melo avatar
Written by Mirella Melo
Updated over 4 months ago

In order to integrate your Grubhub account with Cuboh, we’ll need your Grubhub Store ID. This ID is unique for each restaurant on the Grubhub platform and will differ for each individual location.

Find your Store ID from your Grubhub store URL:

  1. To find your store ID, you simply need to view your restaurant’s Grubhub page as if you were a customer. The ID for your store is directly within this URL!

  2. For example, all Grubhub restaurant URLs are formatted in a specific way where the store ID for your restaurant will be seen at the very end of the URL, after the restaurant’s name and address information that is included in this link:<restaurant-name>/<store-id>

  3. A live example would be the link below for our friends at Taziki’s:

  4. In the example above, we can see the 7 digits at the end of the URL (2108996), and THAT would be the store ID to submit to Cuboh for your restaurant.

Submitting your Store ID on the Cuboh Dashboard

Finally, we'll need to add your Restaurant ID information to the Cuboh dashboard to begin the integration process.

  1. On your Cuboh Dashboard, navigate to the Manage -> Integrations tab.

  2. Click on the Grubhub integration option.

  3. The window will pop up where you can now enter the Store ID that you found earlier, along with your Grubhub credentials that are connected to this store ID:

4. Enter the RestaurantID you retrieved above, and click Submit.

That's it! 🎉

Next Steps

It is important to collaborate with your dedicated Onboarding Specialist at Cuboh to guide you through the following steps:

  • Selecting a Go-Live Date: contact your Onboarding Specialist or the Cuboh Support team to determine a suitable go-live date for the integration. This ensures that the integration process aligns within your operational requirements.

  • Disabling Grubhub Features: if your Grubhub store has certain features active such as Team Ordering, Catering, or Grubhub Direct are not allowed to integrate with a system like Cuboh. You will need to work with your Grubhub account manager to remove any features that are not allowed for an integration with GrubHub – reach out to your Cuboh or Grubhub representative for further information!

  • Menu Data Preparation: the Cuboh team can help you prepare your GrubHub menu data within Cuboh's Menu Management platform. You’ll need to build or import a menu within Cuboh, and send that menu data back to Grubhub to complete the integration!

If you have any questions about integrating with Grubhub, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our support team.

We're online from 7am-11pm PST, 7 days a week and can be reached by email at, via phone at 855-572-8264, or through the Live Chat icon on the Cuboh App or Dashboard.

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